Frequently Asked Questions.

How often should I attend therapy sessions?

When it comes to counselling, what everyone finds helpful may differ. In that regard, some people may appreciate a higher level of support and look at booking sessions every one to two weeks. However, others may be looking for a softer guidance, in which case they may look at only booking once a month. Either way we can always increase or decrease the time between sessions based on what feels right to you. This is also the same case for the number of sessions required before you feel that you have met your therapy goals.

Can this service be covered by my insurance ?

As a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, my services can be covered if your insurance benefits cover Psychotherapy. At the completion of each session I can provide you with a receipt that can be submitted to your carrier for reimbursement. Your insurance provider will be able to answer questions regarding service coverage.

I am in crisis, can I come in right away?

If it is an emergency please make sure you reach out or attend your local emergency room. You can also call 911 or contact your local crisis hotline including the Owen Sound Crisis Intervention Team at 877-470-5200. I am not a crisis therapist but help is available.

Do you offer low-income service options?

I do understand that good counselling services can be expensive and unfortunately this is not currently covered by OHIP. If you are a student, have work benefits, or are working with a type of support service check to see if you are covered through benefit plans. If no benefits are available but you do need support there are still options available. I do not want anyone to ever feel like they cannot access psychotherapy due to financial difficulties and therefore I do offer sliding scale financial options on a case by case basis. When booking please let me know if you need to explore these options further.

Do I need a referral to access your services?

No referral is needed. While I am happy to work with other service providers, physicians and related professionals to refer new clients, individuals can call and begin counselling at anytime. Counselling only works when you buy into and take part in the process, so you need to want to attend. That mindset is what determines when the time is right for you to begin the counselling process.

How long does an assessment take?

I am well aware that many places have a long waitlist for completing assessments and that can be very stressful and frustrating, especially when it is needed to obtain necessary services. It is very unfortunate that the pandemic has made these wait times even longer. It’s important to recognize that a good and comprehensive assessment has a lot of pieces to it, which can take time to organize and to put it all together. In addition, several in-person meetings need to be completed. At this point amidst it is hard to quote any specific timeline for completion. However the process itself does take several months once we have begun. For further information please contact.